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1 Jayleia  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 6:24:34am

So…if they increase in percentage by 50 times…they’d almost have a majority.

2 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 6:58:05am

According to Right Wing Watch, Mr. Saleem states that

He claims that the U.S. is secretly under the control of an Islamic shadow government tied to President Obama’s babysitter that is seeking to “legalize terrorism” and impose Sharia law through the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rights. Saleem has also argued that feminist and gay rights groups are Muslim Brotherhood pawns and predicted that Hillary Clinton will use her position as Secretary of State to “shut down” churches and imprison Christians.

Holy crap, where to begin? That’s some highly refined, weapons-grade lunacy right there. That’s Alex Jones/Jeff Rense/David Icke territory.

And what’s worse? The wingnuts will eat it up, every last crumb, and it’ll become nothing less than gospel truth.


3 PeterWolf  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 8:02:44am

Where’s my desk.

4 nines09  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 8:58:23am

Nothing sells like fear and loathing. You can get rich selling hate. Just look at the proof. Of course all this couldn’t happen without journalism being smothered and the body put in concrete somewhere. Reporters. What are they?

5 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 10:06:35am

The Ex-Muslim is the new Ex-Satanist.

Shit, I need to make that a post title.

6 ProTARDISLiberal  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 10:16:22am

I want to make one note here. From the time Egypt was taken over by Caliphate, to Islam becoming a majority religion in Egypt was approximately 400 years.

The number of Muslims in the US is increasing, both through Immigration and conversion, but only at a rate that will will make them the 2nd largest religious community in the nation in about 3-4 decades. That number will still only be 3-4%

7 HappyWarrior  Sun, Sep 29, 2013 12:34:36pm

re: #5 The Ghost of a Flea

The Ex-Muslim is the new Ex-Satanist.

Shit, I need to make that a post title.

Or in Czarist Russia, the Ex-Jew. It’s good money and good fear loathing. This shit sucks. The people who buy this fear and loathing crap the most though will probably meet a handful of Muslims in their lives. The rest of us who have actually met Muslims though realize that even if the American Muslim population doubled, there would still be less Muslim-Americans than American atheists and American atheists are a small minority.

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